
Rain Boots & Sewing Scissors

Playing in the dirt will never get old.
Easter Sunday brought about an impromptu dig in the garden with my visiting folks: digging here, replanting poppies there. There is nothing like slipping on your rubber boots, donning your sun hat and overalls, and getting deep, dark dirt underneath your nails. Ah, spring.
The season has been getting my project wheels turning; too many ideas are beating each other up to come out on top. Making matters worse, I went to the fabric store last night to purchase a new pair of sewing scissors (Eeeeee!) and, while there, found myself elbow deep in the remnants section. White silk. Oh, is there anything more luxurious? What do I need that's made out of white silk? Everything and anything. This undefined project moves to the top of the list, winning my internal project battle. 
White silk, white silk, white silk...


  1. I have a very special trim to add with your lovly White silk

  2. What a treat! I still have oodles of the yellow and white lace trim hanging out, waiting for a project, but I think it's too creamy for the silk.
